Accepting the fact that you now rely on another human being for the most basic functions is not easy. Because of this feeling, many elders lash out and resist help in every way possible.
Here are some tips to help seniors accept help and homecare on their own terms:
One of the main reasons why the seniors are so reluctant to accept home healthcare is because they feel pressured into it. It’s not easy to accept that things are not in your control anymore. To have others make decisions for your life without consulting you is not the best feeling in the world. To cope with it, it is best to make the elders feel involved. Ask them about their preferences, sit with them when you are looking for a healthcare aide and pick one together.
It’s not easy to adjust with a new person around you all of a sudden. Depending on the deposition of the healthcare aide and how willing the personis, it might take some time to adjust. Give time to both and allow them to adjust to this very new practice.
Sometimes, when the idea is presented by someone outside of the family, it is easier to accept. You can have the elder’s friends, mentors, or neighbors talk to the elder. Help them feel normal by bringing in examples of people who the elder is close to and who are relying on homecare health aide. The more you present it as an ordinary thing, the easier it will be for them to practice.
Tell the seniors that the help is for you and not for them. Do not make them feel dependent and helpless. Make sure that from the very beginning you convey that the help is for you so that you can manage easily. This reason will be easier for them to accept than other ones.
Some elders resist homecare a little too strongly; these are the seniors you need to be overly positive with. As soon as they pick up at the negative emotions, they react similarly. If you observe that the elder is not happy, then don’t force anything on them. Have a heart to heart conversation with them and ask them what is bothering them. Listen to them and do your best to ease their worries.
Over time, the senior themselves will realize how the home care aide is much more versed at the job and will begin to trust their care.